
3-in-1: Alkaline (raise pH level), ORP and Tourmaline inline filter, 2″x10″

3-in-1: Alkaline (raise pH level), ORP and Tourmaline inline filter, 2″x10″. SKU# 3in1-MAF

$27.99 $39.99

Unique filter filed with 3 different media: Alkaline, ORP (oxidant reduction potential), and Tourmaline media. ORP ceramic media are made of natural nonmetal mineral tourmaline, high-grade clay added with other natural mineral stone powder.

Health benefits (Alkaline and ORP media):
According to the Japanese medicine report, Oxidant Reduction Potential helps improving people’s health, boosts immunity system, helps with majority diseases especially various chronic diseases. Negative potential alkaline water is able to balance pH value of the human body providing an anti-oxidant effect. Also ORP balls reduce water Oxidant Reduction Potential to -50mv~-150mv which can help to maintain the vibrant health of the human cells and accelerate metabolism.

– increase water pH level up to 8.5-9.5 (alkaline level)
– reduce water Oxidant Reduction Potential to -50mv~-150mv
– significantly decrease the body’s inner free radicals
– accelerate metabolism and boost up immunity of the human body

Tourmaline media:

Tourmaline (also known as Magic Stone) gemstone is a semi-precious mineral stone well known for its incredible ability to aid in the detoxification process of the human body. Studies have shown the increased incidence of chronic disease is directly related to toxic overflow in the body. Tourmaline gemstone is known to aid in relieving stress, increase mental alertness, improve circulation, and strengthen the immune system. Far Infrared Rays and negative ions gently heal, soothe, stimulate, and detox the body. Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are invisible waves of energy that have the ability to penetrate all layers of the human physical body, delving into the inner-most regions of the tissues, muscles, and bone. M. Terman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York, has researched negative ions and reports that, “The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods. Furthermore, Columbia University studies on depression in winter have shown that depression can be relieved as much through negative ion generators as it can through the use of antidepressants, without the negative side effects”.

More benefits:
– the perfect source of negative ions and far-infrared rays (FIR)
– reduce water clustering
– activating water molecules and improving oxygen level in our body
– releases more than 15 important minerals needed for the human body: SiO2, K20,CaO,Na2O,MgO etc
– increase dissolved oxygen
– control bacteria water
– accelerate metabolism and boost up immunity of the human body

You can read more about health benefits here: https://www.globalhealingcenter.com/benefits-of/tourmaline

Life: 400 Gallons or 6-12 months.

Used as the last stage.

Compatible SKU #: ROR-A3

SKU: 3in1-MAF Category: